What is CREMA?

CREMA stands for « Creating and Mapping the Heritage of the Ordinary City in Southeast Asia ». It is an international research network (IRN) funded by the Humanities & Social Sciences Institute (INSHS) of the French Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). It gathers together 11 institutional partners and more than 50 researchers and practitioners with the shared objective of producing knowledge about the ordinary city and its heritages in Southeast Asia.

Find here below the latest news about the CREMA network.

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What is UTAB

« Urban Theories Across Borders » (UTAB) is an intensive training in urban research organised by CREMA partners. UTAB fosters a network of young researchers specialising in urban Southeast Asia and an expanding network of institutional partners.

Future edition.

• Are you passionated about urban research?

• Are you struggling to put together a research proposal, conduct urban fieldwork, or write your dissertation?

• Are you aspiring to a career in academia, or to enrich your professional urban practice with contextualised and theoretically grounded knowledge about the urban in Southeast Asia?

Then UTAB is for you ! Save the date of our next edition: 4th – 14th June 2024, Bangkok, Thailand.

Our Alumni.

What the alumni say about UTAB.

« I was deeply glad and thankful to be part of UTAB 2022. It was an amazing journey and I realised this is my stepping stone to be a researcher in future ».

Participant, UTAB 2022

« I think the main strengths of UTAB 2022 is its exploration in cutting-edge theories and the diversity of the participants in backgrounds, culture, disciplines, etc. I had fun dissecting the lectures and also to hang out with fellow graduate students »

Participant, UTAB 2022

Join Utab.