URBAN THEORIES ACROSS BORDERS, winter and summer schools.

An intensive training in urban studies.

« Urban Theories Across Borders » (UTAB) is an intensive training program in urban studies. It has as objective to strengthen the research skills of master and PhD students who want to pursue research on cities and urbanisation from a diversity of perspectives grounded in the social sciences.

Cities and urban sites in Southeast Asia are the main fieldworks for UTAB winter and summer schools. They are the sites for the production of contextual urban knowledge and theory. However, UTAB commits to frequent comparisons beyond the geographical area of Southeast Asia.

UTAB provides intensive training in urban epistemology, critical urban theory, research methodologies, and techniques of investigation in the field. The participants are involved in processes of knowledge production with our team of researchers and lecturers, and in close association with the activities of the international research network CREMA.

Drawing on the CREMA network, UTAB winter and summer schools are organised on a recurring basis in partnership with universities, research centres, and associations based in Southeast Asia and beyond.

Future edition.

Facts about UTAB.

utab activities (16)

A network of alumni

More than 30 researchers & lecturers

utab activities (25)
utab activities (15)

Helping you through the PhD journey

Fieldwork based urban research


What the Alumni say about UTAB.

« My experience at UTAB 2022 is nothing short of fruitful and productive. Through the workshop, I gained a lot of learnings about urban theories and field research. It also allowed me to gain new friends from various fields »

Participant, UTAB 2022

« I think the main strengths of UTAB 2022 is its exploration in cutting-edge theories and the diversity of the participants in backgrounds, culture, disciplines, etc. I had fun dissecting the lectures and also to hang out with fellow graduate students »

Participant, UTAB 2022